Thursday, 14 February 2013


Hi everyone. It seems it has been a very long time since I last update on this blog. I hope there are people out there who are still reading this.

I apologise for not being able to update anything because time is really not my friend right now. Third year in medicine is packed with reading, clinical examination, history taking and more reading. Plus presentations and clerkings. I hope I can find time to write here somehow.

Apparently I'm too sleepy by the end of the day and can't be bothered to do anything. Even then, I still don't get enough sleep. Waking up at 6 am is the usual routine and I go to sleep at 1 - 2 am every night. Just to catch things up. Still, there are so many things to catch up.

Now I'm in my paediatrics rotation. So many cute babies around. Some of them cry, some of them smile. Nevertheless, they are cute in their small figure. There's so many reading in paediatrics. I guess that's why its very exhausting.

I still have presentations to be completed and present them this Friday. Apparently, I'm being assessed every week for presentation. I couldn't care much. I feel free when I don't really give much thought to it. Anyhow, this is just a routine update. Probably will write more if I have better ideas other than just medicine. I hope I'm not boring.

Thanks! See ya!