Friday 5 March 2010

Friends : Me & You...

I have lost friends....and I have gained new ones. Each lost is a dear friend, but sometimes I had caused the lost.

At times, I want to turn back the time and just stop myself from causing it, but I'm not in the power to do such. So, why am I whining here?

I just want to apologise. To those that I've been ignoring, trust me that I'm not ignoring you because of your weaknesses or your history or your mistakes towards me. When the day comes, I will tell you why I did it. I just hope that I'm strong enough to tell and you'll forgive me for it.

I cannot say how much I miss being a good friend to you. I may seem like I don't care but trust me, deep down I miss it. That person reads this blog once in a while. If that person reads it, I hope that person realise that I'm talking about you.

Its been a while my Friend....But it won't be anytime soon before things get back as they were. At least not until IB ends...

Till then, I hope you understand....

P/s : I hope you know that the Mitotic Orange is for you... :D

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