Saturday 25 July 2009

The story of my heart....=D

I looked straight ahead, she was there....I studied her face, the curves are perfect.....Symmetrical....a natural beauty...

Suddenly, she looked up. I turned away, hoping she wouldn't noticed me. What would she say if she knew I was looking at her at all times? It's a risk that I didn't dare to take.

Immediately, when she starts to read her book again, I looked at her again. Admiring, the look of a natural beauty. I do not know her very much, but I do know her name.

This time, she held her head up and looked at me. She gave me a jolt! I was unsure of what to do, so I threw her my best smile.....And so she smiled back....

That has made my day.....

( this story is a made-up story...If you want to believe this, then it is up to you...)


nurulfana said...

danny ade scandal baru ek
nak tawuuuu....

Mr Nobody said...

Ish....takleh gitau...hahaha...!!

blade said...

yok2 je made up story....
ko pandang laki mane nh???...ngaku je la dafoo...

Mr Nobody said...

Hahahahaa.....mungkin pandang kamu kot!! hahaha