Sunday 26 July 2009


Given the opportunity to obtain life is one of the most amazing things...But as we live our life, we have experiences. Some were enjoyable, makes us jumping off our feet, but some are otherwise.

God has given a path to us. It is our destiny. I believe in destiny. There must be a reason that we are as we are. There must be.

Eventually, every single living things would die. Even when the new technology, able to replicate human organs, we would eventually wear off, no matter how many times we transplant our organs.

Even with such technology exist, I figure most of us would choose to die. Humans are destined to live on earth for a certain period of time before they move on. Why are we defying this by wanting to live forever?

I would rather die a man, than live for all eternity a machine.

Why is this so? Why I don't want to live forever?

To be acknowledged for who and what I am, no more, no less. Not for acclaim, not for approval, but, the simple truth of that recognition. This has been the elemental drive of my existence, and it must be achieved, if I am to live or die with dignity.

Things change, things always change. People move on. It's as it should be. But, what I realized today is that I'll never stop missing them.

Then, there is love. What do I know about love? That it is in many forms....That it can be expressed...That it would wear us off but we'll never get sick of it...

They say that love can make you can lose yourself. That two people can become so mixed up, that you don't know who's who or what's what. And just when the sweet confusion is so intense you think you're gonna die... you kind of do. Leaving you alone in your separate body, but the one you love is still there. That's a miracle. You can go to heaven and come back alive. You can go back anytime you want with the one you love.

Life has much to offer to us. I often feel sad to those who died so young, not knowing the beauty of life yet. It would take a lifetime to see the beauty of life but to be with God, is the beauty of everything.

I would not want to turn down this life that God has given unto me. God has given it to me, and so I shall live a life that's full. And so, I hold my hand up to my face, and pray to you oh Dear God, for there is no better planner than You Almighty. Give me the strength to live my life, and so Give the strength to people around me as well, and so may we live our life as a person. Amin!

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