Monday 26 October 2009

Tears for mankind...

Another news today. How I am sick of reading it again and again and again. I don't understand, if man are the smartest creature on the planet, why can't they live in harmony with one another? Why do they not learn from the past? How many have tried to kill one another and suceeded but there was nothing that they achieved.

Look at Caesar, who would probably have killed more than a million with his elite army, the Tenth Legion...In the end, he was being hated by his own senate and his best friend, Brutus. It was Brutus who stabbed Caesar to his death.

Take an example of Alexander the Great. Empire so vast but after his death, his generals splits up his empire and murder every single heir of Alexander including his wife.

Even the Holy Quran, commands us to study history and learn from it. Surah of Hud, verse 17 says that "Is he (to be counted equal with them) who relieth on a clear proof from his Lord, and a witness from Him reciteth it, and before it was the Book of Moses, an example and a mercy?.."

Which means study history and learn from it that adhering to Allah's laws as was the revelation given to Moses before this whom he made a guidance...

"study history, and learn from it"

Have they learn? I feel they never learn....

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