Saturday 5 December 2009

Hey Cutie :D

After my interview, I went for lunch. There was this restaurant that serves a lot of food, and kinda expensive too. My mum was at the front and I was behind her. Suddenly, there's a girl the intercept us. She was facing towards my mum.

From her uniform, I realise that she's a waitress but why the hell is she waiting in front of me. She turned her head to look at me suddenly. It was awkward at first. She nodded and I nodded. Then she looked back at the front.

Huh?? I said to myself...What's wrong with this waitress? She don't even take orders...=.="

Then she looked back again....I nodded and then she nodded. Then she looked up in front.

Harrr??? I was just about to say what I'm gonna have for my drinks...she already turned her head to the front. =.=

It was rather annoying....but she still did it for the third time. Then, I thought that was really cute....

I chuckled and so did she. Hahahaaaa......

She is cute. Medium built, cute face....about my shoulder's height. Hahahaa....and she's lively too :D

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